Explaining about Map, History and Geography of Israel, 2021.

Israel History and Geography, Turning the Map Of Israel
Israel History and Geography.

Israel is a very diverse region in terms of land. The coast area, Israel has the more fertile farmland the area. The coast meaning the Mediterranean coast right. In this blog, I’m telling you about Israel's History and Geography by turning the real Map of Israel.


Israel has more of the mountain known as the Judean Hills, the highest peak in Israel is up here. So the tallest mountain is Mount Marin and Mount Carmel is down here about and then on this side of the mountains, Israel has the Jordan rift valley where the Jordan River is located the Jordan river flows between two different lakes, this one is lake Tiberias or the sea of galilee goes by a lot of different names and it flows down to the Dead sea which is what I think is the most interesting geographic point of Israel. The Dead Sea is the lowest spot on earth and it is incredibly salty it's called the dead sea because nothing can survive in it there's no fish no plants just saltwater it's the saltiest body of water on earth um so salty that humans float in it it's nearly impossible to dunk your head under the water. I think that's cool it's a place if anyone of you wants to go to float on the water moving down the map, this way we have the Negev desert um which is a very big desert um a lot of the land mostly around here has Been turned into farmland through some very clever irrigation tactics it's very rocky mountainous over here and then down here, we have the Gulf of Acaba on the Red Sea.


1        Port Cities of Israel.

let's move up Geography, Turning Map of Israel and talk about some of the city so we have a lot down there which is a big port city speaking of port cities we have Haifa up here the largest port city and the second most populous city the most populous in Tel Aviv right here which we'll talk about Israel’s history. Tel Viv is the most populated city in Israel but the most important by far would be Jerusalem. it's a very ancient old city and it is a very holy city for three of the world's biggest religions are the place where it's believed that Jesus Christ was crucified and buried it's believed to be the place where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) descended to heaven and it's where the Jewish temples were built destroyed rebuilt destroyed yet again where only the Western The Wall of the temple is remaining and it is by far the most sacred site of the Jewish religion and also extremely sacred you know to the Christians and



2        West Bank & Golan Heights.

Turning the map again. The right area is known as the west bank this one down here in the Gaza strip up here is the Golan heights so Israel is bordered historically very importantly by Lebanon Syria Jordan and Egypt incredibly important to its history so you'll find out later these areas are very heavily disputed. so how it works today is that the Gaza strip is under it says right here Palestinian administration. The west bank is under the control of Israel. the Golan Heights here, Israel still administers this territory however and many Israelis are living in the Golan heights.


3         The short  history of Israel

Israel is a very beautiful Country as since about 1.5 million years ago the early signs of culture happening in Israel like people making towns and communities would have been sometime in the 10th millennium BCE, we know that the first big one was called Kannan existed sometime between 1500 and 1200 BCE and they are the ones that developed their religion monotheistic religion which would later become Judaism the first time. Israel is mentioned anywhere in history is on the Mendipite Stella, which is a style if you don't know was like a big piece of rock with writing on it they didn't have books back then you know. it was discovered in Egypt and was made sometime around 1200 BCE. Historians mentioned this territory being known as Israel. The kingdom of Israel existed sometime around 900 BCE and the kingdom of Judah existed sometime around 700 BCE. Judah is more in the north Israel being in south Israel was conquered by the Assyrians around 720 BCE and in 586 BCE king Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon captured Judah and he destroyed the temple at Jerusalem Cyrus the great who was in charge of what is now known as the Persian Empire conquered the Babylonians and very famously announced that The Jews would be allowed back in their home and would be allowed to practice their religion so they did so and the second temple was built.  


4        Seleucid Empire 520 BCE

Around 520 BCE in Jerusalem, the Persian empire was eventually conquered by Alexander the Great who died not long after conquering it, and his territories were divided up among his generals the one over here was the Seleucid empire. They were not particularly kind to the Jews in the area. In 167 BCE was the Maccabean Revolt is the Hanukkah story that happens during that revolt. Eventually, the Romans conquered this area in 63 BCE and they were far more unkind than the Seleucids. The horrors of what the Romans did to the Jews were far worse than what Hitler's Nazis did in Germany. But there were many revolts by Jews against the Romans the biggest revolt occurred between 66 and 73 BCE.



5        The Byzantine Empire 628

took control of the territory in 628 but not long after that, the Arabs came the Arabs conquered around or between 634-641 and they introduced Islam to the region the Muslims taking over Jerusalem sparked the first crusade which happened in 1099 which is all of the Christians over in Europe especially like the Christian leaders over there thought it was very scandalous that one of their holy cities was being overrun by this new religion so they came in and took it back and claimed it back for Christianity um eventually, a General named Saladin came in and took the city back which sparked the second crusade which failed. so here we can see the Western Wall you can see people praying alongside it and there's the Dome on the Rock.


6         Ottomans Empire

Ottomans in 1516  came and stayed for quite a long time until at the end of World War One there were many revolts against them in particular the Palestinians voted against the ottomans

7        Zionism Moment

A movement started called Zionism was led by a man named Theodore Herzl. it was a belief that the Jews should have their state and that you know they should have a safe country to live in where they would not be persecuted and it was pretty much agreed upon that it should be what was known as Palestine. the first Aliyah occurred around 1881. it means just like a mass migration of Jewish people to their ancient land. They came from Russia because of the persecution of the Jews in Russia at the time. Zionism at this time was the revival of Hebrew which was the ancient language spoken in this territory by the Jewish people they brought it back and made it a more common language updated it with more modern words the linguist in me finds that interesting the second Aliyah happened between 1904 and 1914. it was when um the Jewish migrants were getting pretty serious about making this their safe place to live.


8        Tel Aviv was founded in 1909

Tel Aviv was like a big haven for the Jews, they developed something called the Kibbitz which was a little town little community that was entirely self-sufficient.


9        Effects of World War One.

WWI happens very famously the Ottomans lose and um the British and the French divided up the Ottoman territories and this the area came under the control of the British which the Palestinians were not happy about there was a big right in 1920 in 1922 the League of Nations which was formed after WWI to you know to keep everyone peaceful um created something called the mandate for Palestine. which was like a pinky promise that they would create a safe state for the Jews to live in but also a safe state for the Palestinians to live in.


10     Third and the Fourth Alias

Third and the fourth Alias, which happened between 1919 and 1929 with many more Jews moving into the area the fifth was after um the Nazi Germans started persecuting the Jewish. In The 1930s but this led to many Arab revolts in Palestine mostly between 1936 and 1939 because their country was very suddenly being overridden by this entire community. Those

revolts um resulted in what was called the White paper of 1939, which was Britain saying that

no more Jews could migrate into Palestine which led to the deaths of countless people during the holocaust very sadly but on July 22nd, 1948 a group of Zionist extremists attacked the British headquarters. Britain handed over Palestine and all those issues to the united nations to deal with.

11      1947 the United Nations

In 1947 the United Nation a map of Palestine gave certain areas to Palestinians certain areas to the Israelis the Palestinians rejected it pretty much their mission statements even to this the day is that they will reject any plan that isn't 100 percent Palestinian.




12     The Full War 1948

 May 14th, 1948 in Tel Aviv when David Ben-Gurion announced the creation of the state of Israel announced their independence which led to the next day the Arab Israeli war occurred when Egypt Syria Jordan and Iraq invaded and attacked many other countries joined in later in the war but it was one long rough war and it ended in a ceasefire

and it ended with Jordan being in control of the west bank and it ended with Egypt being in charge of the Gaza strip. Let's see Israel was admitted to the United Nations on May 11 1949 which resulted in a massive migration of Jews from this point on for the next couple of decades millions of Jews from all over the world to Israel to start a new life in a Jewish state where they would be safe. Palestinian extremists emerged and would attack the Israelis particularly in Gaza in 1964 the Palestinian liberation organization was formed or the plot they are a a terrorist group that believes that the only way to achieve their means is through violence, in particular, was in 1972 at the Munich Olympics where they took the Israeli athletes hostage. In 1973 the Yom Kippur war happened where Israel was

attacked by Syria and Egypt Yom Kippur which is a very holy day for the Jews it resulted in their prime minister Golda Meir resigning because they had prior knowledge of this happening and they didn't do enough to prepare she's the only female prime minister of Israel by the way. let's see in 1977 um a new party took control during the elections the Likud party which was more secular and right-leaning they started peace talks with Egypt and during the Camp David accords in1978 they started drafting a path for peace between Israel and Egypt. They officially signed a peace treaty in 1979 and Israel gave the Sinai peninsula back to Egypt um let's see oh next is Lebanon so in 1978 there was a plot terrorist attack


13        Mass Immigration from Ethiopia, 1980.

 The Jews living there to escape persecution I don't know what that noise was anyway and in the 1990s when the soviet union fell apart many. Jews from Russia and the former soviet the union also came to Israel which again sounds like a great thing you know they're escaping persecution for a better life but of course, more immigration of Jews into the area just leads to more tension the the first intifada began in 1987, which was like a very violent movement from the Palestinians against the Israelis. There were many terrorist attacks against the Israelis that retaliated viciously and cruelly, which led to more terrorist attacks against the Israelis which led to the Israelis attacking back even more viciously and cruelly many civilians caught in between.

14     Oslo Accords &Emergence of Hamas.

Oslo Accords were signed and they gave the Palestinians more authority over governing the Gaza strip there's also a peace agreement signed between Israel and Jordan but the Prime Minister at the time Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by an extreme Zionist. They didn't want Palestinians to govern the area it's so messy. There was another talk for peace in 2000 at the Camp David summit in America but it fell apart, Arielle Sharon who was the prime minister at the time tried to do a big moment of peace and he went to the temple mount which just sparked protests which sparked retaliation against protesters which started the second intifada. The Israeli government decided to stop that intifada by building just a huge wall in Jerusalem to separate the Arab side from the Israeli side. The whole point was to keep suicide bombers from crossing into the area but you could also say it's like Imprisoning the Palestinians inside. The Emergence of Hamas, 2006. Hamas, which is a Palestinian extremist movement basically Hamas fired on Israel as rockets and Israel fired back with rockets and what have you happened again in 2012, 2014, and recently in 2021. In this blog, I have tried my best in turning Map, History, and Geography for my readers. I hope you appreciate the afford. Thank You!

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