Long Article on Indirect Approach in Delivering a Negative News Message

    The indirect approach helps the reader prepare for the negative news by outlining the reason for the situation before presenting the negative news itself. According to the article given we start the indirect approach in delivering a negative news message with the buffer; a buffer is a neutral non-controversial statement that is related to the point of the message but it is not an actual negative message. 

 Using a Bood Buffer 

A good buffer allows you to start the message with a clear, neutral opening. After the buffer we give the reasoning to build up the information for the negative news then we go for the negative news followed by a positive angle so that the reader is not completely dejected and lastly end the negative news with a respectful note so that you emphasize best wishes for your reader.


      Task to know whether people prefer negative news in a direct or indirect format?


The five friends which I have chosen for this task are Usman, Ali, Zubair, Amjid and Kamran. Their answers as follow

1.       Usman said that he prefers negative news in an indirect format because indirect language is formal and polite and it demonstrates our South Asian culturally appropriate communication.

2.      Ali said he will prefer negative news in a direct format because he likes negative news to be shorter and direct.

3.      Zubair on the other hand prefers negative news in an indirect format stating that it is important to maintain a good relationship with the reader adding the indirect message may also offer alternatives or a plan of action to face the respective situation.

4.      Amjid also prefers the negative message in an indirect format stating that too much direct approach could harm the audience as well as the company.

5.      Kamran prefers the negative news message in a direct format because according to him ending on a false positive can leave the reader feeling deceived or trapped.


   Sales have decreased for two consecutive quarters at your business. You have been instructed to inform your sales team that their hours, and base pay, will be reduced by 20 per cent. While you may have a few members of your sales team that are underperforming, you want to retain the entire team. Write a negative news message in a direct or indirect approach informing your sales team of the news.


Direct Approach: 

December 05, 2021

Sales Team

123 group

Islamabad, Pakistan

Dear Team,

You all know the performance of the sale is not up to the mark over the last two quarters and it has negatively affected the revenue generation. The management has decided to reduce the salary of the team by 20% and the new salary structure will share with you all. Let us take this setback to perform well in the next quarter and show our worth to the management. I request you to cooperate with the decision of the management.


Best Regard,





Indirect Approach

December 05, 2021

Sales Team

123 group

Islamabad, Pakistan

Dear Team,

I  have had the privilege of leading this team and I have thoroughly enjoyed managing each one of you. I hope you are enjoying as well being a part of the team and I wish we all work together in the years to come. The company management discussed the performance of the sales team and they have an update for you.


The management for the time being has decided to go for cost-cutting keeping the future of the company in mind. The management has decided to reduce the salary of the team by 20% and the new salary structure will share with you all.


Let us work together and produce excellent results in the coming days. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Have a great day ahead.


Best Regard,



Q4. Write out a brief summary of the conversation you need to have. You may be assigned to another classmate for a role-playing exercise. Share and compare with your classmates.


I will use an indirect approach when talking with the late employee and try to remain calm and not make it personal and talk through his concerns over

. Following is a role-play conversation had with my classmate Usman.


Role Play Situation


Me: Usman, where have you been?


Usman: Excuse me for being late to work. My car broke down.


Me: That's too bad. Please try to fix it so that it doesn't happen again and kindly make sure you avoid getting late in the future.


Usman: Yes, I'll work on it.


You: Thank you, if you ever need a ride please feel free to contact me. Now have a seat. We are working on a new project.


Usman: Great! Fill me in.

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