GPA in Online Exams 2021 |
Five-Steps Process How to Get a 4.0 GPA in Online Exams 2021?
Dear Students you can use this article to
improve, your CGPA for this semester by using a Five-step process. In many of
the articles online, students are only provided with basic information about how
to copy-paste work and most of that information on YouTube is mostly garbage,
to say the least. Students if you commit yourself to go through this Five-step
process, and even if you complete the first 3 steps properly. I guarantee you will
get fantastic grades. In this article, you will learn exactly how to write an online
paper in 2 hours, which is something very valuable to learn.
Step Number 1: Students who Finished beats Perfect.
Most students do badly in online exams
not because they write badly, and get C’s or D’s, but because they don’t write
at all, and get low marks. Getting Cs in your exams, especially in online exams
is unacceptable. Moreover, C grades are very bad for your CGPA, and by chance, if
you’re a first-semester student then you will not be promoted to the next
semester and that will ruin your four years of university life. So, my advice
to the new students is that no matter how badly you write, just write something
on that answer sheet, it would at least save you from demotion. Having said
that Students don’t act like careless people, just hand something in,
regardless of how funny and lousy you think your answer sounds, and no matter
how accurate you are in that opinion, never leave an empty answer sheet.
Step Number 2: Make your notes on a Word document, and format them
remember this when you are making notes for your online paper don’t waste time
doing stupid things like highlighting textbooks or notes with different colors.
It won’t work in an open camera online paper. Just use MSWord for note-making
and please, for heaven’s sake, don’t ever try to copy online material word for
word. The most pivotal part of getting good grades is recreating what you have
read in your unique way.
Step Number 3: Make an Outline
number three is to create an outline before you start to write your answer
sheet. This is the hardest part and it’s not optional, but compulsory for a
literature student. The outline of your
answer is like a structural design of a building. It provides you with the base to write a good answer.
A Five-hundred-word answer requires a five-sentence outline. However, the basic rule of thumb is
that the outline of an answer should not get exceed 10 sentences, even if your
answer sentences are longer. This is because it is impossible to keep a good
argument for more than that length in the brain at one time. So, write a five to
ten-sentence outline of your answer, and if it exceeds then make sub-outlines
for each primary outline sentence. I’m going to show you a demo of how to create a good simple outline?
• Topic: Who were Anglo Saxons?
• Importance of Beewolf?
• What was crucial in King Arthur's life?
• Who were the knights of the round table?
• Early literary work during Anglo Saxon's
• What challenges the English language
faced after the Norman Conquest?
• What were the primary political and
economic issues of his time?
• How did the English language deal with
Here is an
example of a good outline (for a thousand-word answer):
• Topic: What is Literature?
• Literature definition?
o Author one
o Author two
o Author three
• Where and how did the literature, develop?
O Country no.1
O Country no.2
• Historical references?
o (choose as many centuries as necessary)
• Advantages of Poetry over Prose?
o Personal freedom
• Disadvantages of Prose?
• Alternatives to Satire?
• Conclusion
Students make sure you don’t use repetitive and clichéd introductions and conclusions. It is to write a simple intro (what is the purpose of this argument? How the argument going to proceed? ) And a good precise conclusion (How did this argument proceed? What were your main points?).
Step Number 4: Make each paragraph about 8 sentences or 90-100 words long.
The paragraph
in your answer sheet should be made up of at least 8 sentences or 90-100 words.
When I was in my first semester in Numl, Islamabad, I regarded this as a stupid
joke type of a rule, subsequently, I got a 2.3 GPA in my first semester. However,
students, you should let this rule guide you, until you know better. Especially
In an online paper, you have very few margins to break this rule. A paragraph should present one idea. Students if you can’t think up 90 words to
say about your idea, you need to brainstorm more about it. If your paragraph is
ranging up to 200-250 words, or more, it’s possible that it has more than one
idea or you are just writing without any plan of action.
Step Number 5: All of the
paragraphs have to be arranged in an order, from the beginning till the End.
The most pivotal step in writing a good answer
is getting the paragraphs in proper order. Each Paragraph should have a proper
Introduction followed by a supporting argument of at least two or three
paragraphs and at the end a good five-line concluding paragraph of 25-30 words.
Many creative students, who don’t know about these, don’t know how to write a
proper answer in an exam, usually make this mistake: their sentences poorly
written and badly organized, moreover, their paragraphs in no intelligible
relationship to one another.
Bonus Tips:
Don’t write one longish paragraph while attempting a two marks question, write just a couple of lines.
Also carefully read the command words, are they asking you in the question paper to list compare and
· Deep Breathe no matter what tell yourself you will do well. You have to let go of negativity and remember when you smile at the exam paper it'll smile back at you and just deep breathe trust me it works and it's a good idea to go simply dress for your exam. So, wish you the very best and happy learning,