​Jewish Festivals, Holidays, & Celebrations Explained to Muslims & Christians.


A Family in Tel Aviv are Celebrating Sabbath 

In this blog, I’m just going to provide an overview or a framework of the names and the order of the festival. These festivals are God's festivals they're not Israel's festivals they're not Jewish festivals, whether or not you are a natural-born member of the body of Christ someone Jewish that believes in Jesus or your non-Jewish who believes in either Jesus or Muhammad (PBUH) the festivals are for all of God's people because they're his and the beauty of God that brings together Jew and Gentile alike as followers of the Messiah, David, and Muhammad (PBUH)


    1.     The Festivals of God (Sabbath)

     The festival of God begins with the weekly Sabbath or what so what referred to in Hebrew is Shabbat this is a weekly celebration where God invites us to remember our Redemption and look forward to the restoration of the world now we're not going to focus on the Sabbath here but it's important to know that the Sabbath is the cornerstone of all the other festivals.



      2.     Passover or  Pesach in Hebrew

    Passover was to take place on the first month of the Hebrew calendar called Niacin and it was on the 14th day of that month immediately after Passover comes unleavened bread or hog Komatsu that started with a yearly Sabbath and on the eighth day ended with a yearly Sabbath.

                 3. Firstfruits or Yamb Koreem 

    After Passover, the next festival is called The FirstFruits or Tamb Kareem and it took place the Sunday after Passover right in the middle of an 11 bread immediately after the first fruits, the Israelites were instructed to count for 50 days leading up to a celebration called Pentecost or Shavuot and Hebrew and this was a celebration that took place in this late spring or early

Jewish Family in Jeruselum celebration Yamb Koreem  Festival


4.      Festival Of Trumpets or Yom Teruah

    Summer after the summer passes by welcome into the festival called  Trumpets or Yom Teruah and this started on the first day of the seventh month in the biblical calendar ten days later was the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur and that was the most sacred day of the entire calendar.

5.     Festival called Tabernacles or Sukkot in Hebrew

 Immediately after the day of Atonement was a festival called Tabernacles or Sukkot in Hebrew Tabernacles was an eight-day festival that started with a yearly Sabbath and on the eighth day ended with a yearly Sabbath the festivals themselves come from a Hebrew word called Moet or MOA Deen and in Hebrew, it's the idea of that is an appointed time so the festivals are literally an appointment on the calendar when the Living God is going to show up among his people. In a particular, way another passage of Scripture also discusses the festivals as a hog or literally a feast so the concept of that is God's people are coming together to celebrate with food and to remember what he's done and the other the word that is used or the concept is used in Scripture is called a Holy Convocation so it brings up this idea that God's people are not only meeting vertically with God but there is a horizontal component to the festival's that the people of God gathered together for the sake of one another now with that framework in mind and recognizing that the festivals are celebrations and feasts that their appointed times where God's people would meet with him it's important to recognize that the festivals are they really come as a package in other words there's a starting point there's a progression and there's an ending point the festival's beginning with Passover and ending with Tabernacles really reveal the fullness of Jesus ministry in the gospel and so while each festival has a unique function and revelation of who Jesus is and what he's done together they reveal the fullness. the hemes of the fall festivals point to the second coming of Messiah. 

    All these religions Christianity, Muslims, or Judaism believe in the second coming of the Messiah. So between these two periods of time when this spring is first coming and the second coming we get this beautiful picture of how Jesus is going to restore the world through his coming into the world his life his death his resurrection and his ascension and now his reign is the king where he will ultimately be installed one day in. Jerusalem physically revealed to us as the one who got He promised and then he will cleanse the world judge the world and ultimately we will live with him forever and so this idea of the festivals is that individually they speak to us but collectively they speak to us.


    So in my next blog, I am going to focus on the history of the festival's meaning what were the original events that inspired the festivals to be part of the calendar. Moreover, I will also discuss the festivals and the prophetic revelation that they show us about the second coming of the Messiah.

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